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Riptunes White Noise Sound Machine


213 Review(s)

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Quick Overview

Be Rid of insomnia with White Knight sound machine , as it fills the room with rich, dreamy, comforting white noise! White Knight helps reduce distractions and provides added privacy, is widely used by professionals and helps get you well -rested, more focused, and productive.



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Customer Reviews

Items 191 to 200 of 213 total

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  • Quality
    Resting peacefully
    Review by L1 / (Posted on 4/20/2023)
    I found this item to be very user-friendly and easy to start using right away. The included instructions for each button were really helpful in understanding how to use the machine. I tried the thunderstorm sound and found myself falling asleep fairly quickly. Recently, I've been struggling to fall asleep and often end up staying awake for hours or reaching for my phone out of boredom. But last night, I fell asleep by 1am, which felt like a big success. I'm looking forward to using this regularly and experimenting with other sounds to help me sleep.
  • Quality
    White Noise Machine
    Review by A / (Posted on 4/19/2023)
    This white noise box is good and offers a variety of sound options, including white noise, thunderstorms, and crackling fires. It helps block out outside noise so I can sleep better. The only drawback is that the maximum volume isn't very loud. I wish it could go louder, but it still does the job.